Rehabilitiative Exercises

Ideal for people recovering from injuries. Focus is placed on stretching, strengthening, and conditioning exercises to get you back on track.

Hypopressive Exercises

Low-impact breathing exercises that target deep core muscles and pelvic floor. Ideal for treating pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, respiratory issues, and assisting with postpartum recovery.

Functional Movement

Ideal for improving your functioning in the activity or movement of your choice. Sessions focus on muscle activation, joint stability and mobility, coordination, alignment, and cardiovascular function.

1-2-1 Pilates

 Low-impact exercises that emphasize proper postural alignment, core strength, and muscle balance. Ideal for strengthening the core, improving flexibility and mobility.

Pregnancy Pilates

A modified form of the traditional Pilates method, specifically tailored to the needs and safety considerations of pregnant women.

1-2-1 Breathwork

Focus is placed on improving your overall well-being through tailored breathing exercises. Ideal for people who feel burned out, struggle with concentration, stress, and anxiety.

1-2-1 Yoga

 An ancient practice adapted to our modern day life, offering improved strength and flexibility through physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques, and mental focus.